Change up your morning cup with a cold brew. Cold brew is different than iced coffee in that it’s less watered down and has a slightly less acidic flavour. This refreshing coffee makes for the perfect drink to make yourself at home—especially because it’s as simple as making a cup of tea! Add a flavoured creamer of choice or a hint of cinnamon for a sweet morning treat!


How to Make Cold Brew

Cold brew is easy to make, it just takes some time to steep. Ensure you have at least 12 hours until the time you’ll want to serve your cold brew and you should be fine. Here are the steps to creating a delicious cold brew by Cafe Barista.

What you'll need

  • 1 lb (454 g) blonde roast coffee*
  • 2 L water at room temperature
  • French press or airtight glass container

*You can choose a darker roast, depending on your preferences.


  1. Coarsely grind the coffee (i.e. for a French press) and place it in the container.
  2. Add water. You’ll see bubbles; this is normal.
  3. Stir.
  4. Close the container and steep for 12 hours at room temperature.
  5. Strain the mix through a filter placed in a sieve.

A French press is ideal for making and serving cold brew. To make cold brew in a French press, just add in the coffee and water, then place in the fridge overnight. In the morning, push the plunger down and you’re ready to go. Expect some grounds to seep into the coffee; this is fine, but you can strain further if it bothers you.

Serving in Style

One of the benefits to cold brew is that it’s made cold, so watering it down with ice isn’t necessary. But if you want to ensure your drink stays cold while taking it out and about—or if it’s a hot day—you might want to add some ice. Our ice cube trays let you make ice cubes that are perfect in size.

LC Tip: If you want to prevent ice from diluting your coffee, make ice using coffee instead of water!

travel mug or double-walled mug will help keep your cold brew at the perfect temperature so you can take your time to savour Don't forget to take a look at these beautiful reusable straws to elevate your iced coffee experience!